Entrepreneur Coaching

Dream it


Dream it 〰️

Are you ready to put your passion to work for you?

The program is for you if:

  • You’ve been thinking about starting a business for years but could never get the courage or time to start.

  • You have a hard time believing in yourself sometimes; your self-doubt and limiting beliefs hold you back but you don’t know how to make the shift in belief.

  • You’re done with the corporate world where someone else controls your time, your impact - and your income.

  • You crave more freedom to be creative, to implement the ideas that have been nagging at you for so long.

  • You’re asking yourself if simply making a pay-check is enough, feeling like nothing you do is really making a difference and longing to bring your best ideas, talent, skills and experience to serve a market that needs you.

  • You’ve already been in business but now you know you need to take it to the next level. You’re unsure how to do that but you’re looking to hone your offers or pivot your business to take advantage of a new business climate.

  • You know you need a structure and a guide to help you focus on a step by step plan that moves you forward every week and holds you accountable.

  • You’re ready to create a life and work of meaning and take a non-traditional approach to building your business. MBA’s not required.

  • You’re ready to tap into your intuition as a business skill and get comfortable with creating out of “flow” instead of old, traditional business models that feel confining and limiting to your creativity and bold ideas.

  • You’re a heart-centered individual who values intuition as much as strategy and mindfulness as much as timelines.

  • You understand that harmony between the feminine or receptive energy and the masculine and active energy is essential in creating a balance in life and work.

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I get it. I really do.

In the 1980’s I felt like that too. I was in a corporate job that underpaid me and undervalued my skills. I decided to learn everything I could and make my escape.

In 1989 I claimed the entrepreneur mantel and never looked back. Now I have grown several businesses and created a business and life that allows me to live anywhere in the world. Learning from my clients, my mentors and traditional and experiential learning, I’ve broken down the process into three main phases that you can implement to start your business and more importantly - BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!

My life is richer for it and yours can be too!

How to start

I’m taking a limited number of clients who want to work on their entrepreneurship. This program may be combined with a personal retreat with me in Portugal. Let’s have a conversation and determine if this is right for you.


The Inner Work of Entrepreneurship

In this phase, we will address mindset and explore limiting beliefs. You will replace negative self-dialogue with positive self-dialogue and incorporate new mindfulness techniques to remain grounded and focused in your new endeavor.

You’ll reflect on your values (what really matters), your interests, skills and your unique gifts. This is a holistic approach, working with defining the lifestyle that you want to create and eventually matching this to a business that will support you in creating this lifestyle. 

You’ll uncover any beliefs or assumptions that may block your progress and you’ll evaluate and articulate your criteria for the kind of business that is appropriate for you at this time in your life. You’ll clarify your vision, set objectives and learn about fundamental systems for starting a business.

During this phase, you’ll familiarize yourself with the online business world, online marketing and other possibilities.


Phase 2

Clients, Technology and Systems

During this phase you will work on the 5Ws of starting a business. You will develop an Ideal Client Profile, set offers, articulate your Unique Value Proposition. You’ll easily articulate what you do and why it matters. Together we will explore business Systems and Technology, (automations, funnels) and repurpose material. You’ll identify the right business insurance, address legal aspects and research bookkeeping systems. You’ll start to work on your offers.


Phase 3

Outreach and Networking and Social Media

During this phase you’ll review marketing messaging, choose a website platform, assign pricing to offers, determine the right client data base and outreach modalities, review social media outreach, and time allowing we can begin to explore future scaling of business offers to allow more freedom and time.

I will act as a sounding board, give direct feedback, help clarify decisions and choices and share expertise as an expert in an online service business. 

At this stage, you should be able to effectively articulate your value proposition to a potential client, to confidently describe how your past experience and skills can be applied for the benefit of clients. This phase will be geared to formally launching the new business fully supported by systems.

I will recommend other experts and professionals I trust to help you take your idea to the next level. These could be branding experts, website designers, course platforms, social media managers or others that will support you in launching your business.

A Few Things You Should Know

To determine if this is right for you schedule a time with me to talk about your idea for a business and what you think you need. This “chat” will help me answer any questions about the program.

Each phase is 8 weeks. Some clients take longer and some take less time in any given phase. You’ll have a total of 24 weekly one hour sessions with a week break in between phases.

You’ll also have additional support in the form of email support, texting or short (5-10-minute) laser calls if needed. I’ll also be reviewing your work before and after each session and provide feedback.

There is an option to do phase 2 or phase 3 as a personal retreat in Portugal, where I live, that will accelerate your business. There is a slight incremental cost to work with me in a personal retreat, where you are my only client and can combine wellness and exploring the beautiful Algarve to promote your creativity and provide new perspectives.

Here’s what Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs Say:

I have been trying to build a new business out of my passion for 3 years. I realized that this would be my legacy work, but to turn it into a profitable, sustainable business will take guidance and wisdom from someone other than myself. Alicia was the answer to my quest. She will dig deep into your soul, so be ready to face yourself, maybe for the first time in your life, but the rewards will be life changing. I am no longer doubting my chosen journey.
— Danell P.
Thanks also for another wonderful session today. The energy of the session and the focus was spot on after the deeper internal work this past week. It was just what I needed and already I have so much clarity coming through these foundation-building sessions. This is powerful stuff!
— Angie K.
Alicia coaches the whole person – mind, body and spirit. From our first conversation I was immediately impressed by her depth of skills, approach, and powerful inquiry. With each conversation, new landscapes of thinking opened up inside of me. Alicia brings business, marketing, and technology savvy (and more!). She’s authentic, fully present, and inspiring. Our time was well worth the investment.
— Lorraine G.

How much longer will you wait to take your idea out into the world?

If you’re ready, get in touch and let’s see if I can help you make your dream come true.